Monday 17 September 2012

Basic Bodybuilding Tips

Anyone with experience bodybuilding knows there are a lot of little tricks to getting the most out of a workout. Here are a few bodybuilding tips that can make a big difference.
·         Sleep well: most muscle growth actually happens during sleep, so getting a good night’s sleep every night is important to seeing results from workouts.
·         Need a midnight snack? Go for protein: the body needs protein to build muscle, so a protein snack right before bed is just what the trainer ordered. Stay away from carbs right before sleep – if the body can't use them immediately, they turn into fat.
·         Eat light and often: well, relatively light. It's better to eat 5-6 small meals a day, rather than a few big meals. It keeps the blood sugar from spiking and dropping during the day, and reassures the body there is plenty of food available, so it's less likely to start packing away fat reserves against lean times.
·         Form first: people just starting to get into bodybuilding should make sure they are learning how to do their workouts right, rather than worrying about building strength immediately. Doing the exercises right will build more strength and muscle later, and prevent injury when dealing with bigger weights.
·         Don't neglect aerobics: aerobic exercise strengthens the heart, and burns fat. Weightlifting without aerobics is like protein without carbs – good for you, but not enough.
·         Don't overdo it: it can be tempting to keep pushing, to say 'I still have energy; I'll do a few more sets'. Doing a few extra sets once in a while probably won't hurt, but over training can undo all the hard work. Literally – over training can cause muscle loss.
There are lots more great bodybuilding tips available. Talk with other bodybuilders, check out bodybuilding websites, and learn as much as possible. The more you know, the more you’ll grow (muscle, that is).
Anyone with experience bodybuilding knows there are a lot of little tricks to getting the most out of a workout. Here are a few bodybuilding tips that can make a big difference.
·         Sleep well: most muscle growth actually happens during sleep, so getting a good night’s sleep every night is important to seeing results from workouts.
·         Need a midnight snack? Go for protein: the body needs protein to build muscle, so a protein snack right before bed is just what the trainer ordered. Stay away from carbs right before sleep – if the body can't use them immediately, they turn into fat.
·         Eat light and often: well, relatively light. It's better to eat 5-6 small meals a day, rather than a few big meals. It keeps the blood sugar from spiking and dropping during the day, and reassures the body there is plenty of food available, so it's less likely to start packing away fat reserves against lean times.
·         Form first: people just starting to get into bodybuilding should make sure they are learning how to do their workouts right, rather than worrying about building strength immediately. Doing the exercises right will build more strength and muscle later, and prevent injury when dealing with bigger weights.
·         Don't neglect aerobics: aerobic exercise strengthens the heart, and burns fat. Weightlifting without aerobics is like protein without carbs – good for you, but not enough.
·         Don't overdo it: it can be tempting to keep pushing, to say 'I still have energy; I'll do a few more sets'. Doing a few extra sets once in a while probably won't hurt, but over training can undo all the hard work. Literally – over training can cause muscle loss.
There are lots more great bodybuilding tips available. Talk with other bodybuilders, check out bodybuilding websites, and learn as much as possible. The more you know, the more you’ll grow (muscle, that is).

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